About this website
The B.C. Ukulele.org website was originally created as a resource for ukulele teachers in British Columbia, Canada. Over the years, the site has expanded to include resources for all ukulele players and enthusiasts. It provides a direct link to the three major performing groups in the province of British Columbia, as well as other prominent ukulele artists locally and on the international front.
We hope that you will find the information on this site useful for you or your group as the ukulele enjoys a resurgence in popularity. Many new groups and young, talented musicians have appeared on the ukulele scene. On this site we try to provide a directory to some of these groups and clubs in the province.
It is often difficult to find a good source of resources for the ukulele teacher, and on this site you will find some useful information for your needs at whatever level you teach. Traditionally, Canadian schools have used D6 tuning, embracing the highly acclaimed Doane Ukulele system for over 40 years.However. with the rapid development of technology and available online resources, the site now accommodates both D6 (a-d-f#-b) and C6 (g-c-e-a) tunings as well as other popular tunings. Our link to "Ukulele in the Classroom" remains our number one source of ukulele information for the ukulele in Canada and abroad.
About our logo
The “twin ukes” logo was developed by J. Chalmers Doane when he started the Ukulele in the Classroom program in the early ‘70’s. It represents the melding of the two styles of ukuleles used in the Canadian schools back then. The triangle shaped ukulele can still be found in many of the classrooms and is still available as a beginners model through Empire Music. Today, most of the schools have reverted back to the traditional guitar-like shape.